This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-01-29 at 12:00 a.m.
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Take Control News/29-Jan-07

by Adam C. Engst

How Old Is Your Most Recent Backup? If you don't have a good answer to the title's question, we hope you'll check out the second edition of "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups [1]," by Joe Kissell, since it explains how to set up, use, and restore from a backup system that fits your budget and lifestyle.

We've thoroughly updated this new edition to cover current topics: what you should know before installing Windows on a Mac (and how to back up Windows-related files); expanded info on special cases like backing up photos and movies, backing up installed applications, and backing up while traveling; and a look at how Leopard's Time Machine might play into a backup strategy. It also now offers instructions on how to set up easy-to-use backups for a friend or relative and issues surrounding rolling your own backups with Unix command-line tools.

You can also listen to a podcast of Joe talking about backups in a recent MacVoices interview [2].

(We've sent email to owners of the first edition who asked to be notified of updates. Those who purchased after 01-Nov-06 can download the second edition for free; let us know if you didn't receive that message. If you bought the book before 01-Nov-06, click the Check for Updates button in your copy to receive a 50% discount.)
