Quickly Attach to an Email Message
Want to start an email message that requires an attachment? Save a step or two by dragging the file's icon onto Mail's Dock icon - Mail automatically opens a new message window with the file already included as an attachment.
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Sharon Zardeto
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/24-Jul-06
The first link for each thread description points to the traditional TidBITS Talk interface; the second link points to the same discussion on our Web Crossing server, which provides a different look and which may be faster.
Resurgence of Intellitext? Some Web sites use the IntelliTXT technology, which creates links out of keywords to display pop-up ads or other content. What creates the effect, and can it be turned off? (7 messages)
Sending newsletters from a Mac -- A reader attempts to use phpList to send regular newsletters to family and friends, but is it the best solution? Several alternatives are suggested. (10 messages)
Simple iPod/Auto Integration -- Last week's article about radio adapters to listen to an iPod in the car prompts plenty of suggestions for other products and solutions. (15 messages)
Vista Requirements Released -- Readers report their experiences running the latest beta of Windows Vista on Macs, using Apple's Boot Camp and Parallels Desktop. (3 messages)

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