Smarter Parental Controls
If you've been using the parental controls options in Mac OS X to lock your child out of using a particular computer late at night, but would like to employ a more clever technique to limit Internet access, turn to MAC address filtering on an Apple base station.
To do this, launch AirPort Utility, select your base station, and click Manual Setup. In the Access Control view, choose Time Access to turn on MAC filtering. You'll need to enter the MAC address of the particular computer, which (in 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 Snow Leopard) you can find in the Network System Preferences pane: click AirPort in the adapter list, and click Advanced. The AirPort ID is the MAC address.
Written by
Tonya Engst
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Adam & Tonya Engst Honored in MacTech 25
Due no doubt in part to the votes cast by TidBITS and Take Control readers, we were pleased to see that not just Adam, but also Tonya, were included in the MacTech 25 list of influential people in the Macintosh technical community. Apart from its use of public voting, the MacTech 25 differs significantly from the MDJ Power 25 in honoring people outside Apple who influence the Macintosh world via their technical contributions. The end result thus included writers who explain technical topics or maintain sites deemed key to the technical community, system administrators who spread their knowledge through writing and speaking, and programmers who help other programmers.
MacTech chose not to rank the top vote getters, making for a flat list. Congratulations to everyone on the MacTech 25, which this year includes the following people (see the forthcoming August 2006 issue of MacTech for a full write-up of each person; if you don't currently subscribe, you can download a free PDF sampler of recent articles):
Aaron Hillegas: Author of Cocoa programming books; founder of Big Nerd Ranch
Adam & Tonya Engst: Publishers of TidBITS and Take Control
<>Amit Singh: Hacker and author of "Mac OS X Internals"
Andrina Kelly: Mac OS X system administrator for C.O.R.E. Feature Animation and contributing editor for
Andy Ihnatko: Author, speaker, prankster, and technology columnist for the Chicago Sun Times.
Ben Wilson: Editor of MacFixIt
Brent Simmons: Creator of NetNewsWire and MarsEdit
< ProdID=NetNewsWire>
<>Dan Frakes: Author, Macworld Senior Editor, Senior Reviews Editor of Playlist, MacFixIt Contributing Editor, TidBITS contributor, and Take Control editor.
Danny Goodman: Author of numerous programming books about HyperCard, AppleScript, JavaScript, DHTML, Dashboard, and more
David Pogue: Author, New York Times technology columnist, and creator of the Missing Manual series
Drunkenbatman: Creator of the apparently defunct, but previously influential, DrunkenBlog
John Gruber: Writer of the popular and well-written Daring Fireball blog
John Siracusa: Writer of incredibly detailed technical articles about the Mac at Ars Technica
< articles/ars/index.html>
Jonathan "Wolf" Rentzsch: Hacker extraordinaire, developer, and TidBITS contributor
Josh Wisenbaker: Mac OS X Server guru, speaker, and editor at
Michael Bartosh: Trainer and author of "Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration," who died in an accident in June
< story=20060611204217263>Mike Breeden: Maintainer of theAccelerate Your Mac site
Nigel Kersten: Senior Technical Officer for the College of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales and knowledgeable system administrator
Ray Barber: Founder of the MacScripter site and MacDeveloper, a marketplace for outsourced projects
Ric Ford: Editor of the Mac news and tip site MacInTouch
Rich Siegel: Creator of BBEdit and founder of Bare Bones Software
<>Rob Griffiths: Macworld columnist and the guy behind the Mac OS X Hints site
Rosyna Keller: Programmer at haxie developer Unsanity
Scott Knaster: Long-time technical writer, Take Control author
Wil Shipley: CEO of Delicious Monster, creator of Delicious Library, and Pimp My Code blogger

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