This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-07-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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StickyBrain Replaced with SOHO Notes

by Joe Kissell

StickyBrain Replaced with SOHO Notes -- Chronos LLC announced today that its highly regarded snippet keeper, StickyBrain, is being discontinued in favor of SOHO Notes, a product with a nearly identical interface but more features. StickyBrain started as a more-powerful replacement for Apple's Stickies application and evolved into a multipurpose database-driven repository for notes, URLs, Web pages, and other information; it offered Spotlight searching, a system-wide menu for grabbing information, and numerous other capabilities. (For more about StickyBrain, see "Stuck on StickyBrain: Info-Clutter Organizer Extraordinaire" from 2003 and "Three Simple Snippet Keepers" from 2001.) SOHO Notes includes all this plus multi-user capabilities, note syncing via .Mac, and support for multiple simultaneous databases. The announcement corresponded with the release of SOHO Notes 5.5.2, an update that adds several new features, such as blog posting using the Atom protocol, color-coded labels, dated and time-stamped journal entries, and audio recording.

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SOHO Notes costs $40. Registered users of StickyBrain 4.0 or higher can upgrade to SOHO Notes for free; upgrades for owners of older versions cost $25. [JK]