This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-12-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/19-Dec-05

by TidBITS Staff

The first link for each thread description points to the traditional TidBITS Talk interface; the second link points to the same discussion on our Web Crossing server, which provides a different look and which may be faster.

Belkin 802.11g adapter vs. AirPort -- A reader provides his experience setting up these two wireless networking components. (1 message)


Geographic photo galleries -- A reader wants to display digital photos along with maps of where they were taken. Time for a Google Maps hack! (2 messages)


Image formats for digital photography -- Following Charles Maurer's article from last week, a reader wonders why we have to deal with post-processed image formats - including Camera RAW - instead of just getting a straight image dump of what gets recorded to the camera's sensor. (4 messages)


Which PDA to use with both a Mac and a PC? Is there a single PDA that works well across multiple environments? And what about using a phone/PDA hybrid device? Readers weigh in with their experiences. (10 messages)


Languages and ideas -- Matt Neuburg's article on Prograph prompts discussion about whether programming languages are expressions of ideas (and therefore subject to copyright) or free to be used in various ways. (2 messages)
