This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-05-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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Fetch 5 Ready for a Walk

by Adam C. Engst

Fetch 5 Ready for a Walk -- Proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks, Jim Matthews and Fetch Softworks today released Fetch 5, a sleek new version of the earliest FTP client still in active development for the Macintosh. With Fetch 5, Jim focused on simplifying the user interface to improve ease of use and adding support for low-level technologies like SFTP. Fetch now sports a new toolbar for quick access to commonly used functions, Back and Recent buttons for easier navigation to previously viewed folders, a more Finder-like list view, and a status pane at the bottom of each transfer window. Other interface niceties include a file transfer progress indicator in Fetch's Dock icon, context-sensitive help, and a recent connections pop-up menu in the New Connection dialog. Under the hood, along with SFTP support, Fetch 5 now offers resuming of binary uploads, automatic detection of FTP and SFTP servers on your local network if they advertise their presence via Bonjour (formerly called Rendezvous), importing of Interarchy and Transmit bookmarks, support for using StuffIt to compress files automatically on upload and expand automatically on download, improved handling of non-ASCII and Unicode file names, and "Automatic Passive Mode" for automatic detection of proper connection modes for reliable transfers through firewalls and NAT gateways. Fetch 5 works with Mac OS X 10.2.4 or later (including Tiger), and it costs $25, with upgrades from Fetch 4 priced at $15. New copies of Fetch and upgrades may both be purchased directly from within Fetch 5; choose Purchase or Purchase Upgrade from the Fetch application menu. Users at educational and non-profit charitable organizations may apply for a free license. [ACE]
