This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-04-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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DealBITS Drawing: MaxSleeve and iProtect Winners

by Adam C. Engst

DealBITS Drawing: MaxSleeve and iProtect Winners -- Congratulations to Peggy Russell of and Michael Bobek of, whose entries were chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who each received a MaxSleeve and iProtect from MaxUpgrades, worth up to $38.98. Even if you didn't win, you can save 15 percent off a MaxSleeve and/or iProtect (and in fact your entire order other than shipping) by entering MXPROMODB1 in the Additional comments field when ordering; MaxUpgrades tells us that the discount will not show on order confirmations but will be accounted for in the amount billed. This offer is open to all TidBITS readers. Thanks to the 769 people who entered, 45 of whom entered after being referred to DealBITS. Keep an eye out for future DealBITS drawings. [ACE]

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