This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-03-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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PTHPasteboard Returns, Better Late than Never

by Matt Neuburg

PTHPasteboard Returns, Better Late than Never -- Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger could ship any time, so the reign of Panther is nearly over. But users of Paul Haddad's free PTHPasteboard will be glad to hear the news anyway: PTHPasteboard, a wonderful free utility that keeps track of things you copy in any application so that you can paste any recently copied item later on (and not just the most recently copied item), has at last been updated for Panther.


When Haddad went to work for You Software, the terms of his employment dictated that he had to stop working on PTHPasteboard (because the code was to be rolled into You Control). At that time, Panther had not yet emerged; when it did, it broke PTHPasteboard, and by the terms of his contract, Haddad wasn't allowed to fix it. Now, however, he has left You Software and brought the rights to PTHPasteboard with him. So, one of his first moves has been to make PTHPasteboard work on Panther. Next up: PTHPasteboard 4.0 for Tiger! [MAN]

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