This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-01-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Mailing List Move Complete

by Adam C. Engst

On 31-Dec-04, I moved all our subscribers from our aged Power Mac 7100 running ListSTAR 1.2 (we're talking systems that saw their last significant upgrade in 1997) to our shiny dual-processor Xserve running Web Crossing, which serves static and dynamic Web pages, provides a high-performance object-oriented database, and handles all our normal and mailing list mail (short of three translation lists that I still need to move), among other things.


Overall, the move went well, although the welcome message generated quite a few more bounces than I'd expected due to the roundabout method we'd used to track them in the past. Picking the holiday break also meant a slew (almost 400) of out-of-office replies - I feel like I know many of you just a little bit better now. And most surprising, since I seldom run across them in normal mail, were all the challenge-response requests, of which I received about 125 from at least 10 different systems. In an intentional break from our standard policy of not responding to any challenge-response mail, I chose to respond to each one manually in this specific case, since I wanted to reduce the confusion of switching to a new system as much as possible. And do I have opinions on the usability of challenge-response systems now! But that's a future article.

Explaining Common Confusions -- Needless to say, some confusion still resulted, thanks in part to the fact that people aren't always caught up on reading TidBITS and thus didn't expect the move. Nothing I can do about that. But a few other things came up that perhaps I can explain a bit better.




Smoothing the Road -- These transitions are never perfectly smooth, but overall, I think this one has gone pretty well. After I finish moving the last few translation lists over, it will be time to concentrate hard on the content management system. I certainly hope to keep any downtime to a minimum, but it's impossible to predict how things will develop, so thanks for bearing with us on this server move!