This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-01-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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Circus Ponies Software Sponsoring TidBITS

by Adam C. Engst

Circus Ponies Software Sponsoring TidBITS -- 2005 is starting on an upbeat note for TidBITS, with Circus Ponies joining us as a sponsor. I've been relying heavily on their NoteBook program since the middle of 2003, when I realized that I needed to take manual control of my to-do list (see "The Well-Worn NoteBook" in TidBITS-745). Since then NoteBook has become a fixture on my Mac as a repository for random bits of information, lists of things to remember, and instructions for complex tasks that I perform too infrequently to remember. But part of the other reason I use NoteBook is that Jayson Adams and Elizabeth Statmore of Circus Ponies have been extremely responsive to bug reports and suggestions; to my mind, that's a key aspect of any program. Although Circus Ponies has only been developing NoteBook for Mac OS X since 2003, the program has deep roots leading all the way back to NeXTstep, and it's great to see such programs surviving to the present day. If you're looking for an information repository, be sure to give NoteBook's 30-day demo a try; the full version is $50. [ACE]
