This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-10-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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DragThing 5.0 Does Its Thing, Again

by Matt Neuburg

DragThing 5.0 Does Its Thing, Again -- TLA Systems has released version 5.0 of the launcher utility DragThing, adding Panther support (while keeping it compatible with Jaguar). There are also many interface improvements, carried out in programmer James Thomson's usual style: thorough, careful, clean, and user-configurable to the nth degree. A new Window dock lists application windows, making DragThing an even better Dock replacement than before. Contextual menus are much more powerful; particularly noteworthy is that documents dropped onto an application's icon in a DragThing dock are remembered in, and can be opened later from, that application's contextual menu. Drag Thing 5 is a $12 upgrade for existing users, and $30 otherwise. A free 2.8 MB download provides two weeks of trial time before disabling some features. [MAN]
