This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-08-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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TextWrangler 1.5 Adds Scripting, Syntax Coloring

by Adam C. Engst

TextWrangler 1.5 Adds Scripting, Syntax Coloring -- Bare Bones Software has released the latest version of its streamlined text editor, TextWrangler 1.5 . The primary new feature is the addition of full AppleScript support to enable TextWrangler to participate in automated workflow solutions involving text files. Better yet, any set of actions in TextWrangler can be recorded as an AppleScript script, and any script can be attached to built-in menu commands. TextWrangler 1.5 also now boasts syntax coloring and source-code navigation for code in Fortran, Java, Object Pascal, Perl, Python, Rez, Tcl, TeX, and Unix shell script.

Despite including BBEdit's core text editing engine, TextWrangler shies away from some of BBEdit's more-powerful features, such as flexible HTML tagging, integration with CodeWarrior, support for version control systems, and more. However, since TextWrangler costs $130 less than BBEdit, it has become popular with folks who seldom work with HTML files, those who find BBEdit's additional features overwhelming, and those who want much of BBEdit's power for a lower price. TextWrangler 1.5 sells for $50, but upgrades are free to registered users. It requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later with Mac OS X 10.2.6 strongly recommended. A 30-day, time-limited demo is available as a 7.6 MB download. [ACE]
