This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-08-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/11-Aug-03

by TidBITS Staff

Mail archiving solutions -- So how do archive all those old email messages you've received? TidBITS Talk participants bandy about a variety of solutions. (9 messages)


Uses for personal information managers -- In an attempt to define just why some people prefer NoteTaker to NoteBook, or vice versa, or why they may prefer something else entirely, we're attempting to ferret out just what it is people hope to get out of these programs. Join the discussion! (2 messages)


FireVue and hard drive backups -- It turns out other have been looking at FireVue and other hard drive-based backup solutions. Worth a read if you're considering such an approach as well. (4 messages)


Office X 10.1.4 problems -- Microsoft's recently released Office 10.1.4 upgrade comes with some highly welcome features for Entourage users who want to work with an Exchange server, but there may also be a few gotchas in the upgrade. (5 messages)
