This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-04-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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SETI@home 3.08 Security Fix

by Adam C. Engst

SETI@home 3.08 Security Fix -- The distributed computing project SETI@home has released version 3.08 of their client software to eliminate the possibility of a buffer overflow error in the networking code that could result in a security hole. Personally, I've given up using SETI@home as a screen saver; instead I run it as a hidden application all the time, quitting it whenever I'm doing something that requires the full CPU power of my dual 1 GHz Power Mac G4 (Apple's CPU Monitor utility shows that my standard activities use only a fraction of the available processing power). If you run SETI@home, consider joining the TidBITS team, which is currently in 143rd place overall. [ACE]

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