This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-01-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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More Macworld Events

by Adam C. Engst

More Macworld Events -- This is why I take my iBook with me on vacation: things happen! First Creo contacted me to renew their TidBITS sponsorship for Six Degrees, and then a flurry of email resulted in more Expo events. So, for those looking to chat with Glenn and me about The Wireless Networking Starter Kit or any other wireless networking related topic, you can drop by the DevDepot booth (#3761) at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, 08-Jan-03. They'll be selling copies of the book that we're happy to sign, and if you miss us there (or are just shy, even though we don't bite), both DevDepot and the Macintosh-savvy wireless networking vendor MacWireless (booth #1646) will have signed copies of the book. Finally, for people not at the show, Glenn and I will be on the ScreenSavers show on TechTV on Friday. We're taping from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, but I'm not sure what that means for when it will be on your cable system. Check local listings. [ACE]
