This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2002-12-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

In an industry where everything changes constantly, it's good to have a few traditions, and one of ours is this annual double-size gift issue. Filled with numerous gift suggestions from TidBITS readers, it's safe to say that there's something for everyone here, even if they're not a Mac user. No matter what holidays you may (or may not) celebrate, we hope these suggestions will help you bring joy to others in a tangible way. Though they're even more important, the intangibles are up to you.

Before we jump into the full list of suggestions, there are a few gift ideas that also support TidBITS. Gift subscriptions are free, easy, and provide top-notch reading every week without imposing more paper on anyone. Before you use our subscription Web page to sign someone up, however, make sure they know you're going to do it so the confirmation message doesn't take them by surprise.


If you're looking for a computer book, Jeff Carlson, Matt Neuburg, and I have all written a number of well-received books on topics like wireless networking, iPhoto, iMovie, Palm handhelds, Adobe GoLive, and REALbasic. Plus, if you follow one of the links on the page below into Amazon and purchase anything else, TidBITS receives a few cents of your purchase as our affiliate cut.


Although we realize it seems unthinkable that anyone remotely related to the Mac industry could need another t-shirt, we also have a wide range of other TidBITS-branded goodies like sweatshirts, mousepads, mugs, hats, and baby clothes available via CafePress. Gift contributions to TidBITS are always welcome, and you can easily make a contribution in someone else's name via our Kagi contributions page. As an added bonus, contributors receive discounts on all the TidBITS goodies.

< contributors.html>

One powerful way to support TidBITS while you're doing your holiday shopping is to use our sponsors where possible, and to let them know you appreciate their support of our mission. Our current sponsors can definitely be of assistance in finishing off your list: Small Dog Electronics, Bare Bones, Dealmac, and easyDNS. Don't overlook those companies that have helped support our work over the last year either, including MacAcademy, Sustainable Softworks,, Creo, Now Software, Karelia, Dantz Development, CS Odessa, and APS.


Lastly, my sincere thanks for the primary support that each and every one of you provide throughout the year merely by reading TidBITS. It truly means a lot to us that you devote precious time to our words and our ideas, and we hope that what we write will continue to play an important part in your lives.