This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2002-04-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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Retrospect Updater Addresses Two Problems

by Adam C. Engst

Retrospect Updater Addresses Two Problems -- Dantz Development has released updaters for Retrospect Express and Retrospect Desktop/Workgroup/Server, addressing two problems with the company's new backup software, reviewed in "Retrospect 5.0 Enables Mac OS X Backups" in TidBITS-624. The first problem solved in all versions of Retrospect was a memory leak in the RetroRun utility in Mac OS X whenever a LaunchCFMApp process was running (LaunchCFMApp is used to open Carbon applications). Also fixed in Retrospect Desktop/Workgroup/Server was an annoying assertion check error at "elem.c-812"; it could occur when Retrospect was running under Mac OS 9 and backing up a Retrospect Client computer also running Mac OS 9 and either Personal File Sharing or AppleShare IP. All Retrospect 5.0 users should update their copies; the updaters are free. The Retrospect Express 5.0 updater is 3.6 MB; the Retrospect Desktop/Workgroup/Server updater is 4.1 MB. [ACE]

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