This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-09-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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Interface Mafia Goes After Bad Interfaces

by Adam C. Engst

Interface Mafia Goes After Bad Interfaces -- Macintosh users are unusually informed and opinionated about interface design, and even though Macintosh developers are usually equally as sensitive to the interfaces of their programs, creating good interfaces is difficult work. A non-profit group calling itself the Interface Mafia has opened a Web site devoted to articles, links, and other information related to information design. What sets the Interface Mafia Web site apart, though, is its free interface review service for Macintosh software developers (they may support other operating systems in the future). Reviews are limited to interface design (though documentation, a topic near and dear to those of us at TidBITS, is also examined) and are posted for anyone to read and comment on. Kudos to the Interface Mafia both for emphasizing the importance of good interface design and for offering practical advice to developers. [ACE]
