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Graphing Calculator Draws Itself Up To 3.0

by Adam C. Engst

Graphing Calculator Draws Itself Up To 3.0 -- Back in 1994, when Apple released the first Power Macs, an elegant little application called Graphing Calculator helped wow the mathematically inclined masses by quickly graphing and smoothly animating graphs of mathematical equations. 10 million copies of Graphing Calculator 1.0 and 1.1 shipped with Macs, but the developers of Graphing Calculator also struck out their own and continued to improve the program and sell it commercially. It's proven popular in education, and even for those who don't need its graphing capabilities, Graphing Calculator remains powerful and helpful for use with normal day-to-day calculations. With version 3.0, Pacific Tech has added significant enhancements, including support for saving and opening Graphing Calculator documents, text comments in documents, multiple document windows, save to HTML (with PNG graphics), and export to RTF for import into word processors. Graphing Calculator costs $60, or $40 for students, and there are a variety of upgrade prices, depending on your situation. If you just want to get your feet wet with Graphing Calculator, the versions Apple shipped are still available for free. Graphing Calculator is definitely worth a look for anyone who works with equations, and even if you don't, Graphing Calculator still makes for a slick demo. [ACE]
