This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-03-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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ACTION Files 1.5.2 Update Released

by Jeff Carlson

ACTION Files 1.5.2 Update Released -- Power On Software has released an update to ACTION Files, its utility for enhancing open/save dialog boxes (See the review of ACTION Files 1.0 in "Get a Piece of the ACTION Files" in TidBITS-434). Version 1.5.2 enhances support for non-U.S. versions of the Mac OS, better handles excluded applications in the compatibility list, and improves the user-assignable command keys and the volumes menu in Navigation Services dialog boxes. In addition, compatibility problems with EndNote, FontLab, and MacTicker have been worked out. ACTION Files 1.5.2 is a free update to registered users of previous versions; download the free 2.3 MB free trial, which doubles as the update. ACTION Files retails for $30 if downloaded and purchased from the Web, or $40 for a boxed CD-ROM. [JLC]

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