This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-03-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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USB Overdrive 1.3 Released

by Adam C. Engst

USB Overdrive 1.3 Released -- Alessandro Levi Montalcini has released version 1.3 of USB Overdrive, a universal driver for USB mice, joystick, and game pads. (See "Pointing the Way with USB Mice, Part 2" in TidBITS-507 and "Maximizing the Mouse" in TidBITS-483 for more information.) New features include an accelerated scrolling option for scroll wheels, an absolute cursor movement mode for joysticks and game pads, and support for Apple's standard USB drivers, which increases compatibility with Mac OS 9 and the new Game Sprockets. With accelerated scrolling, the faster you roll the scroll wheel on a third party mouse, the faster the document scrolls. USB Overdrive is $20 shareware and a 300K download. [ACE]
