This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-09-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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USB Overdrive 1.2 Tracks Faster

by Adam C. Engst

USB Overdrive 1.2 Tracks Faster -- Alessandro Levi Montalcini has released USB Overdrive 1.2, a free update to his universal USB mouse and joystick driver (see "Maximizing the Mouse" in TidBITS-483). On the surface, USB Overdrive looks the same, but under the hood Alessandro replaced all the 68K code with faster PowerPC code for better performance, added mouse cursor movement for joysticks and gamepads, improved document scrolling in all applications, added a new Launch URL action, and implemented a new Auto Move option that moves the mouse cursor to the default button in dialog boxes. USB Overdrive now requires Mac OS 8.5 or later, with Mac OS 8.6 recommended and Mac OS 9 supported. USB Overdrive is $20 shareware and is a 294K download. [ACE]
