This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-06-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Trexar Technologies Sponsoring TidBITS

by Adam C. Engst

Trexar Technologies Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, Trexar Technologies, makers of the shareware MacTuner and WeatherTracker. Trexar's approach is especially refreshing in today's world of lousy interfaces crammed into Web browser windows. Instead of attempting to render interfaces in HTML, a tricky and limiting process, Trexar instead creates real Macintosh interfaces to Internet-accessible data.

Think of MacTuner as a tuner for Internet radio and television stations. It provides several ways of searching a frequently updated database of live and recorded multimedia content. Once you've found a station, clicking it hands it off to RealPlayer from RealNetworks. Want to listen to Australian rock and roll or Irish talk radio or classical music from Rochester, New York? MacTuner makes the universe of Internet radio coherent. WeatherTracker aims to do the same thing for weather information. It communicates periodically with a weather server, downloading current climatic conditions and local forecasts for over 1,500 North American cities and many others around the world. Different display sizes make it easy to leave WeatherTracker running all the time so you can watch the weather change throughout the day. You may not have gotten the window office, but with WeatherTracker you can tell what's happening outside.

Trexar has plans for more innovative ways of bringing Internet data to the Macintosh desktop; we wish them the best of luck in helping Mac users break free from the tyranny of the browser window. [ACE]
