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This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-04-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Adam to Host Internet TV Show

by Adam C. Engst

Adam to Host Internet TV Show -- Although I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit it, I'll be hosting a live prime time television special for FOX called "World's Worst Internet Hoaxes," airing tonight at 8 PM Eastern and Pacific, 7 PM Central (we hope to have an online version available in QuickTime Streaming format shortly). Preparing for the show has been a good time, much more so than the brief stints I've done on local TV news shows. And unlike the PBS show "Life on the Internet," I'm serving as co-producer this time around. We're working with the same people who brought you "I Survived a Disaster," "America's Dumbest Criminals," and so on, and I think we've done a great job with the show. I managed to talk them out of "When Routing Tables Are Lost," and "America's Wildest Unix Hacks," and it looks like we'll be able to integrate Mac-specific content. Also, new TidBITS sponsor Sony-TV is considering picking up the show as a series, and good ratings tonight may enable us to keep TidBITS a free publication. Please tune in! [ACE]
