This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-12-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Holiday Home Page Contest

by Tonya Engst

Holiday Home Page Contest -- If you have a home page and plan to decorate it for the upcoming holiday season (no matter what your religious or philosophical angle), consider entering the "Homepage for the Holidays 1997 WebAwards" contest, hosted by the Silicon Valley chapters of the Association of Internet Professionals (AIP) and WebGrrls International. The judges will rate entries based on their creativity, elegance, and fun; pages can be for people or organizations. Prizes include PalmPilots and AIP memberships, and you must submit your entry no later than 14-Dec-97. TidBITS's sister publication, NetBITS, is one of the contest's sponsors. [TJE]
