This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-09-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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Welcome to NetBITS!

by Glenn Fleishman

"The Internet? It's so busy nobody uses it any more."
- not the slogan of, surprisingly enough [1]

Welcome to the first issue of NetBITS, a new publication from TidBITS Electronic Publishing. We're delighted to have you join us.

With all of the publications about the Internet, you might wonder why we chose this particular moment to launch a new one. As the maxim goes, write about that which interests you. We've found few forums in which to publish many of those things that interest us lately, and with the demise of the print publications NetGuide, Web Developer, and The Net [2], the merger of Mac magazines Macworld and MacUser (see TidBITS-392 and TidBITS-393), and the increase of magazines like InternetWeek which focus on the Internet industry, there will be even fewer places.


In NetBITS then, we want to share with you the Internet tools, tricks, and techniques we discover; we want to explain to you in a few minutes how things work after we've spent a week puzzling it out; we want to advise you about Internet-related hardware and software; and, finally, we'd like to keep you abreast of developments that will affect your online life.

The Internet and the print magazine worlds lack a publication where you can find all that tailored towards people who spend significant amounts of time online for personal or professional reasons and want to know more about how to use this beast of an Internet.

The people behind NetBITS spend most of their working time on Internet and Web-related tasks every day - and although no one can keep up with every development, we try to follow the important ones.

In the weeks to come, you'll find articles on cleaning browser caches; new technology like ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) and cable modems; how to get less spam; legal issues on the Net beyond just cryptography and pornography; how to read a Web log; the time-line for new top-level domains; and lots of step-by-step how-to's.

Details -- Following in the TidBITS model (and unlike most other publications), we welcome article submissions to <>. Comments on articles are also most welcome - we like to know how we've done and receive elaboration on points we've mentioned from experts in our audience. Please send letters to <>.

Also like TidBITS, NetBITS is free; we support our efforts by attracting advertisers who would like to appeal to you in a sensible and low-key way. We don't accept advertisers whose tactics we don't agree with, and we like to try anything we recommend first, whether it's an Internet service provider or an ISDN modem. Please send inquiries about advertising to <>.

So, welcome! Make yourself at home (or, for those of you with cable modems, @Home), and tell us what you think of the place.

[1] Yes, like Abe Vigoda, Yogi Berra is still alive and kicking despite everyone thinking he's a historical figure. (He's only 72!) His original quote was about Coney Island: "It's so crowded, nobody goes there any more." For genuine Yogi Berra quotes, see:


[2] NetGuide has gone Web-only and maintains that they will continue to produce large amounts of Web-based content. However, everyone we've talked to says most of the staff has left. Web Developer has an editor in chief and a single staffer for its Web site, and has little output but repackaged articles from other Mecklermedia publications.
