This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-04-04 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

I'm extremely pleased to announce that Tonya has resigned from her position at Microsoft to devote more time to TidBITS and other projects, including books and Internet adventures. Perhaps the most obvious indication of her change in hats will be that from now on we will share some of the email that has swamped me recently (I receive upwards of 3,000 messages a month). And, of course, we're looking forward to the freedom to spend a little more time away from the Macs and the nets. So, if you send a note to me and Tonya replies, that's why. If you wish to send her mail directly, her address is <>. Oh, and for the cynics in the crowd, this is not an April Fools Day joke, although Tonya's first day away from Microsoft was April 1st. We especially liked the chronological importance of the combination of April Fools Day, Good Friday, and the weekend including both Easter and the Daylight Savings Time "spring forward" day (which Tonya has always hated with a passion, since she'd rather lose an hour in the middle of Monday afternoon than an hour in the middle of the weekend).