This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-03-02 at 12:00 p.m.
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Printing Notes

by Adam C. Engst

David Roth writes, "I've been trying to use Professional Composer on a Mac Plus running System 6.0.5 to generate PostScript files to be printed on other systems with PostScript printers. When I used the LaserWriter drivers that come with System 6.0.5, I didn't get usable PostScript. Acting on a tip from Apple I replaced the driver on the Mac Plus with the LaserWriter driver from System 7.0.1, and it worked even though I'm only using System 6.0.5! The best part about it is that I don't have to do command-f or command-k; I just select PostScript from the LaserWriter driver's print dialog box instead of letting it default to "Print". Professional Composer doesn't work on System 7 so upgrading was out of the question." [Adam: Upgrading to 6.0.8 might have worked as well, since 6.0.8 is simply 6.0.7 with the System 7 LaserWriter drivers, but it would have been more work and Professional Composer might not have worked with 6.0.8 either. It's nice to know that the System 7 drivers will work with 6.0.5 and may produce better straight PostScript output files.]

Information from:
David Roth -- david!

HP Printer Drivers -- Ever in search of the truth, or at least what passes for it this week, I asked a source at Hewlett-Packard about the DeskWriter and DeskWriter C drivers, since many people have had trouble with them. Evidently the folks in Vancouver who work on the DeskWriter drivers have recently made some public statements. Here's the latest scoop:

Information from:
Marshall Clow --