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Expose Shortcut for Arrange All Windows

In Expose in Snow Leopard, with all windows visible, press F9 (or the Expose key [F3] on recent Mac laptops), then press Command-1 to arrange the windows by name or press Command-2 to arrange them by application.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions


We would like to apologize to all of you who received multiple TidBITS files via the SFU mailing list. We can point the finger of blame, but not at an identified individual. Apparently, the mailer problems at SFU were the result of a malicious program started by some unknown person(s) at SFU. The administrators there are working on the problems and have managed, we think, to halt the flow of TidBITS-107. Unfortunately, these problems also showed them that they don't have the staff to handle such a large mailing list.

Never fear though, we have everyone's electronic address and have moved everyone to the LISTSERV at Rice University (many thanks to Mark Williamson at Rice, who manually added all the SFU subscribers!). If you were moved over, the LISTSERV doesn't know your name and will call you " transfer." If you fall in this category, I strongly recommend that you update your name with the LISTSERV by sending email to LISTSERV@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU with the single line in the body of the mailfile:

SUBSCRIBE TIDBITS your full name

Don't worry, sending in two subscription notices will not result in getting two copies of TidBITS as long you send the SUBSCRIBE command from the same address that the issue comes to.

We would like to thank both Alvin Khoo for his hard work on the SFU mailing list and the administrators there for being such gracious hosts.


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