JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...
This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-04-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

Ralph Amundesen wrote with some interesting information about IBM. Evidently, IBM is so worried about OS/2 that the company has expanded its battalion of salesbots by drafting the entire company. I don't know if this will go as far as dark-suited IBM folks out pounding the pavement ("Excuse me, Ma'am, may I come in and demonstrate what OS/2 2.0 can do for you today?"), but all 344,000 employees are in it for fun and prizes. It's a step up from grade school, but IBM employees could win medals, IBM software, IBM hardware, or even cold hard cash. I sure hope they don't stop in here since I don't have 30 MB free under SoftPC to test it. Sheesh, wouldn't you think it would be easier to just buy a few TV spots like Microsoft is doing?

Information from:
Ralph Amundesen -- rna4637@afdnet.uucp