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Claris Windows Rumors

by Adam C. Engst

We've been muttering about a version of FileMaker Pro for Windows for quite some time now, and we've finally gotten some confirmation of that project. Claris reportedly showed an early version of FileMaker Pro running under Windows in a private suite at Comdex last week. Reportedly the Windows version will be very similar to FileMaker Pro 2.0 on the Macintosh, so there were some added features like improved speed, improved scripting, and QuickTime support. Not only will the Windows version have all that, but it will look like a Claris product, rather than using one of the strange interfaces that are still popping up in Windows programs.

Claris is working on ways of making other ports of its Macintosh products to Windows easier, but that does not mean that you'll see the full Claris suite ported to Windows any time soon. We've heard that MacDraw Pro code is unlikely to ever show up in a Windows product, although Claris might use some of the code from Hollywood in a Windows MacDraw. Resolve and MacWrite II, not to mention ClarisCAD and SmartForms, just aren't likely to make enough money to be worth the effort of porting them.

The big surprise, perhaps, is ClarisWorks. It's a great product written by a team of programmers with vision, and rumor has it that it will be the next Claris application to make the jump to Windows. I'd love to see it (and if I had a PC clone, I'd love to use it), but the one thing that worries me a little bit is that Claris may have to scale back its efforts aimed at the Mac and future Macintosh systems to get this Windows software out the door. Of course, no need to turn down all the money that Windows users will want to give Claris for FileMaker Pro for Windows and ClarisWorks for Windows.

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MacWEEK -- 13-Apr-92, Vol. 6, #15, pg. 1