This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-09-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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SuperMac and Manager7

by Adam C. Engst

A friend writes to tell us that SuperMac has arranged with Casa Blanca Works to release a special subset of their Drive7 software which only works on SuperMac hard drives, including the LaserFrame rewritable optical drive. The package is called Manager7 and users of SuperMac drives can get it for free.

Manager7 updates most SuperMac hard drives and LaserFrame optical drives and formats almost all SuperMac hard drives, including DataFrames. The main drive not supported is the 20 MB Iomega Bernoulli portion of the DataFrame 60+B drive (you'll have to talk to Iomega if you've got one of those). Manager7 supposedly completely solves all the System 7 and Quadra problems found in Manager 4.2.

You can download Manager7 from CompuServe, America Online, GEnie, AppleLink, and SuperMac's BBS, and for a $10 disk and shipping charge Casa Blanca Works or DriveSavers will ship it to you. In addition, owners of SuperMac drives can purchase the full package, Drive7 2.3, for half price, or $39.97, until 01-Feb-93.

Casa Blanca Works -- 415/461-2227 -- 415/461-2249 (fax) --
DriveSavers -- 415/883-4232
Iomega -- 800/777-4197
SuperMac -- 408/245-2202 -- 408/773-4500 (BBS)