This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-11-30 at 12:00 p.m.
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Global Village Provides Global Support

by Adam C. Engst

According to the pop-media-business industry, this is the age of customer service. Whether this is true because the media said so or because it just happened, many companies have been placing an emphasis on happy customers. Lori Chavez of Global Village recently posted a message to the Internet encouraging customers to contact Global Village using a wide variety of communication mechanisms. We are especially pleased with their interest in providing support via many electronic services and hope more companies follow Global Village's example in making support widely available and encouraging deserved praise and complaints. Here's the post:

Global Village encourages any Global Village customer who has any problems whatsoever with our products to contact us immediately via any communications mechanism available:
FMJM51A at Prodigy
GO GLOBAL for the Global Village CompuServe forum
415/390-8282 (fax)
Global Village Communications
685B East MiddleField Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
Message in a bottle: Pacific Ocean

We are here to serve our customers and if we don't do that job well, complaints on the networks are deserved. We don't mind positive comments when we do things right either!