This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-01-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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Gatekeeper Message

by Chris Johnson

Users of Gatekeeper 1.2.6 will soon receive a warning stating that 1.2.6 is out of date and should be replaced with a more recent version. This warning appears automatically when modern versions of Gatekeeper exceed six months in age and is intended to prevent people from unwittingly depending on obsolete versions of the program which may no longer offer effective or safe protection from viruses. In spite of the warning, though, Gatekeeper 1.2.6 remains FULLY functional.

The six month time limit was chosen because it seemed likely that due to the need for periodic bug fixes, functional improvements, and code to stop new viruses, new versions would always be released within six months of each other. Unfortunately, the testing/debugging phase for Gatekeeper 1.2.7 has run unexpectedly long and delayed its release beyond the anticipated six months.

So, some form of 1.2.7 will be made available as soon as possible (if it has bugs, it certainly has far fewer than 1.2.6), and, in the meantime, Gatekeeper 1.2.6 remains as functional as ever even though it will complain about being out of date once every five days.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

When 1.2.7 is available, an announcement will be posted in the comp.sys.mac.announce newsgroup, and the file will be sent to all major Macintosh archive sites, and posted to the comp.binaries.mac newsgroup.