This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-02-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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Benchmarks, Finally

by Tom Thompson

[My apologies for sitting on this for so long, but I wanted to get these numbers out before the new machines come out. As you can see, creating an ASCII table of so many numbers is a major chore, and for that I thank Ian Feldman. As with all benchmarks, take these with a grain of salt because as much as low-level benchmarks can point out things you wouldn't otherwise notice and show how different systems compare, the speed that matters is the real-world speed that you experience running your programs under your precise environment. -Adam]

A couple of comments before I analyze the numbers. First, these timings were obtained on beta systems shown to me in late July, and are therefore preliminary. However, by the time the iron gets presented to the press, the hardware is pretty stable, so the figures should be within the ballpark. Second, tests were run with the screen in the black-and-white mode (1-bit) so the results could be normalized to the Classic II's screen. Apple says that for the new systems, screen operations in color should be a tad faster than the same operations run in black-and-white, because QuickDraw has been optimized for a color screen. Fine, we'll check that out when we have the shipping systems. Again, we have to calibrate the results to a reference Mac that has a black-and-white screen. Finally, check out the notes at the bottom of the spreadsheet; they're important.

As the results indicate, the Mac IIvx just barely out-guns the Mac IIci. Note that the Mac IIci used in these tests doesn't have a cache board. That's because the IIci at BYTE was purchased long before Apple began shipping them with 5 MB of RAM and a cache board as standard equipment. It's a safe bet that a IIci with a cache board will probably out-perform a IIvx.

The Performa 600 falls in the vicinity of the 20 MHz Mac IIsi in performance, while the Mac IIvi hangs out with the 16 MHz Mac SE/30 performance-wise. As I've mentioned elsewhere, the reason for the IIvx/Performa 600's less-than-expected results is because although the CPU and FPU are clocked at 32 MHz, the bus operates only at 16 MHz. A glance at the 8-, 16-, and 32-bit memory moves of these computers compared to memory operations on the IIci confirm this finding.

Why was the slower bus used? First, to take advantage of readily available 80 ns DRAM. Second, Apple squeezed three computers out of a single design. A prototype system I examined could be a Mac IIvx, Performa 600, or Mac IIvi, depending upon the CPU board that plugged into the main logic board. I'm speculating here, but probably the only way to accomplish this easily was to lock in the bus clock at one speed. This would simplify the overall design, which in turn eliminates additional parts, and in turn lowers costs.

I had hoped the IIvx would fill the void in mid-range performance between the 25 MHz Mac IIci and 40 MHz IIfx. Instead, it looks like it's up to the PowerBook 180 and PowerBook Duo 230 to plug that particular hole.

(The following Macintosh benchmarks table is 71 lines long and with little luck may therefore be printed on one sheet of paper, but do use a monospaced font!).
  _________________ LOW-LEVEL BENCHMARKS in seconds unless noted _____
         __________ CPU:____________  FPU: +-------------------- Sieve
         32bit move ---------------+       |     +-------------- Sort
         16bit move ---------+     |       |     |      +------- Math
          8bit move ---+     |     |       |     |      |     +- Sin(x)
             Matrix    |     |     |       |     |      |     |     e^x
  ==========     v     v     v     v       v     v      v     v      v
  Classic II   24.2  98.7  54    41.2    36.4  45.4  189.5  97    106.1
       LC II   24    92.1  52.7  39.6    37    43.3  186.4  95.3  103.4
        IIvi   18.4  86.6  46.2  26.4    33.1  34.2  156    80.5   87.5
       SE/30   16.4  82.2  42.1  22.8    31.3  29.8  143.6  70.6   94.5
  Perf:a 600   14.1  65.5  39.3  26.2    19.6  25.1  136.6  66.5   71.7
        IIsi   13.4  64.1  33.5  18.2    25.1  24.4   37.5  12.8   12.9
        IIvx    8.3  52.5  26.3  13.1    15.9  14.5   30.1   9.4    9.7
        IIci   10.7  51.1  26.7  14.5    19.9  19.9   29.8   9.9   10.2
      PB 140   16.7  83.3  42.9  21.2    32    30.2  189.7 102.2  110.3
      PB 145   11.1  52.8  27.8  15.5    20.4  20.3  135.6  70.2   76
      PB 160   11.2  53.4  27.9  15.6    20.4  20.4  119.5  61.4   61.1
      PB 170   11.1  52.8  27.8  15.5    20.4  20.5   35.4  11.6   11.9
      PB 180    8.3  39.6  20.8  11.6    15.1  15.4   25.2   8.1    8.5
     Duo 210   10.6  51.1  26.7  14.5    19.9  19.3  105.1  54.2   59
     Duo 230    7.9  38.7  20.2  11      15.5  15     85.5  44.4   48
  ========== ----------------------------------------------------------
             _____ DISK:_______________  FILE I/O:  VIDEO:____________
             Write -------------------+  1 MB write  +-------- TextEdit
              Read --------------+    |    |         |    +- DrawString
              Seek --------+     |    |    |  1 MB   |    |    Graphics
  LLseek/32 blocks ---+    |     |    |    |  read   |    |    Slow  QD
  LLseek/ 1 blocks    |    |     |    |    |    |    |    |     |    |
  ==========    v     v    v     v    v    v    v    v    v     v    v
  Classic II  1103  2165  0.2  18.2  9.8  4.1  4.8  5    2    47.8  0.4
       LC II   974  2008  0.2  13.2  8.7  3.6  4.8  4.9  1.9  44.9  0.4
        IIvi   735  1559  0.2   9.4  6.2  3.1  1.6  4.3  1.5  38.8  0.3
       SE/30   921   874  0.1  22.4  9    4.6  5    4.6  2.3  26.6  0.3
  Perf:a 600   720  1296  0.1  10.6  6.1  3    1.4  3.5  1.3  32.3  0.2
        IIsi   883  1799  0.1  14.7  8.3  3.4  2.4  3.2  1.1  27.9  0.2
        IIvx   720  1257  0.1  10.7  6.2  3    1.4  2.4  0.8  19.7  0.2
        IIci   847  1551  0.1  16.5  8.9  4    3.1  3    1.3  19.6  0.2
      PB 140  1086  2384  0.2  15.9  8.8  3.8  2.7  5.5  2.6  37.5  0.3
      PB 145   754  1475  0.2  12.7  7.9  3.8  2.1  4.3  2.2  16.1  0.2
      PB 160  1029  2157  0    19.2  6.1  3.3  2.6  3.7  1.4  24.7  0.2
      PB 170  1219  2116  0.1  16.8  9.4  4    2.4  4.4  2.2  26.2  0.2
      PB 180   771  1458  0.1  10.5  3.3  2.8  1.9  2.6  1.2  17.9  0.2
     Duo 210   798  1591  0.1  12.6  7.5  3.5  4.4  3.2  1.3  22.8  0.2
     Duo 230   676  1206  0    12.5  7.5  3.1  2.2  2.6  1.2  17.9  0.2
  ========== ----------------------------------------------------------
             ____ _________ INDEXES: +----------------------- CPU index
  68020 Dhrystone --------------+    |     +----------------- FPU index
  68000 Dhrystone --------+     |    |     |     +---------- Disk index
    68020 Linpack --+     |     |    |     |     |     +--- Video index
    68000 Linpack   |     |     |    |     |     |     |      Dhrystone
  ==========   v    v     v     v    v     v     v     v      v
  Classic II  933  n/a  2000  2238  1     1     1     1     2000
       LC II  883  n/a  2000  2309  1.03  1.02  1.12  1.07  2000
        IIvi  678  n/a  2631   n/a  1.14  1.21  1.57  1.25  2631
       SE/30  581  233  3125  3699  1.39  1.27  1.24  1.23  3125
  Perf:a 600  568  n/a  3125   n/a  1.54  1.44  1.74  1.55  3125
        IIsi  508  936  3571  2309  1.74  6.79  1.45  1.7   3571
        IIvx  319  n/a  5000   n/a  2.26  8.91  1.81  2.31  5000
        IIci  399  154  4545  5802  2.17  8.66  1.29  1.94  4545
      PB 140  592  n/a  2941  3605  1.39  0.97  1.15  1.02  2941
      PB 145  417  n/a  4166  5253  2.09  1.39  1.44  1.52  (missing)
      PB 160  414  n/a  4545   n/a  2.08  1.63  1.56  1.67  4545
      PB 170  415  155  4166  5244  2.09  7.37  1.27  1.37  4166
      PB 180  309  n/a  7142   n/a  2.79 10.41  1.93  2.18  7142
     Duo 210  399  n/a  5000   n/a  2.18  1.8   1.41  1.78  5000
     Duo 230  304  n/a  6250   n/a  2.56  2.2   1.94  2.21  6250
  ========== ----------------------------------------------------------
  Measurements by Tom Thompson, BYTE; ASCII table design by Ian Feldman
  Note 1: IIci had no cache board
  Note 2: IIsi equipped with FPU
  Note 3: PowerBook Duo 210 & 230 docked; had access to FPU