This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-11-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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MacTCP Call to Arms

by Adam C. Engst

Apple has done a tremendous job in producing the updater for MacTCP 2.0.4 (it works on virgin copies of MacTCP 2.0.2, which is the version included with the Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh), and although no one denies that accomplishment, there has been much griping on the nets about MacTCP's interface.

Garry Hornbuckle, Apple's MacTCP product manager, met the griping with a concrete challenge posted on comp.sys.mac.comm - if you don't like how MacTCP is configured, Apple wants to hear your specific suggestions. General complaints aren't useful, but if you can point out a specific problem that you've faced and offer specific ways of dealing with that problem, Apple seems to be willing to listen. We at TidBITS applaud such a move since it indicates a willingness to open a direct dialogue with interested Mac users. Other groups at Apple would do well to emulate this policy; after all, we're the people that must use Apple's products. We don't wish to imply that Apple doesn't have a lot of great ideas, just that, as Garry said in his posting, Apple doesn't have a monopoly on all the good ideas. As a matter of fact, if there are other such public suggestion email addresses at Apple or other companies, and if the maintainers of those addresses wish, we'll be happy to publicize them to increase the net community participation.

So, if you can meet Garry's challenge and offer specific constructive suggestions for the next version of MacTCP, send them to:

There are some ground rules that you should also know.

However, Garry did say that he might be able to swing some cool t-shirts for the best suggestions. He promised to read each and every suggestion, and to respond to the best ones. Let's not pass up this chance to provide early feedback for a product that is fast becoming an essential part of the Macintosh experience for many people.

Oh, you can get the MacTCP 2.0.4 updater at <> in: