This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-05-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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Apple Spins Out Newton

by Adam C. Engst

Apple Spins Out Newton -- Last week, Apple announced plans to form a subsidiary company based on the Newton group. The new company, which doesn't yet have a name or a CEO, will focus on "the computing and communications needs of mobile users." At the moment, that means the company has two products, the MessagePad 2000 (see TidBITS-379) and the eMate 300 (see TidBITS-361), although Apple will continue to support, sell, and market the eMate into the education market. Future products will probably focus on vertical markets such as health care, sales force automation, and field service industries, and the company will also seek to create and license new technologies aimed at meeting the needs of mobile users. It would be ironic if Apple, in its search for a CEO for the new company, considered ex-Apple CEO John Sculley, who has the experience and championed the Newton during his tenure at Apple. [ACE]

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