This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-09-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

Well, it's finally happened. Our 56K Frame Relay connection to the Internet went in last Friday along with our hand-strung Ethernet, and we've been enjoying not having to dial out all weekend. We don't have much running, and our domain names haven't propagated yet, but we hope to do some cool stuff with this connection, and I'll write more about it as it happens. For the moment, though, the speed is oh-so-nice for using the Web and Cornell's CU-SeeMe, and I even found out that Eudora, which continues to surprise me with its flexibility, can receive email via UUCP (I haven't configured UUCP/Connect (uAccess) to work over the 56K line yet, so I'm still dialing in for email) and send it out via SMTP. [ACE]