This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-04-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Emailer Licensed by Claris

by Adam C. Engst

Emailer Licensed by Claris -- Guy Kawasaki's Fog City Software has announced that Emailer, its email client program, will be marketed by Claris when it comes out sometime in the northern hemisphere's summer. Emailer has already generated considerable attention for its promise of sending and receiving email from the Internet, America Online, CompuServe, eWorld, and RadioMail, mixing and matching addresses as desired. Fog City Software will continue to develop Emailer, and Guy will become the official Emailer spokesperson. The licensing agreement makes sense, since Claris hasn't had a splashy new program for some time, and Fog City Software would have had difficulty getting Emailer into all the channels that Claris can reach, Guy's marketing skills notwithstanding. In addition, speaking as someone who's seen the program, it feels like a Claris program, although as Geoff pointed out, it doesn't have those small, indecipherable "mountain" icons for zooming in and out. Good thing, too. [ACE]