This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-05-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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PC Setup 1.0.6 Yanked

by Geoff Duncan

PC Setup 1.0.6 Yanked -- Apple pulled version 1.0.6 of PC Setup from distribution last week due to "several" unspecified problems. If you're running PC Setup 1.0.6, Apple recommends to switch back to the correct version of PC Setup for your machine. If you've got a DOS Compatible 6100 system, you'll want to use PC Setup 1.0.3; for 630 and 640 DOS Compatible machines, use PC Setup 1.0.5. Watch out: these are big archives (2.6 MB and 1.3 MB respectively), and they have those funky ultra-long Apple URLs: [GD] Apple.Software.Updates/US/Macintosh/ System.Software/Other.System.Software/PC _Setup_1.0.3.sea.hqx Apple.Software.Updates/US/Macintosh/ System.Software/Other.System.Software/PC _Setup_1.0.5.sea.hqx