This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-11-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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Netscape 2.0b3 Sneaks Out

by Geoff Duncan

Netscape 2.0b3 Sneaks Out -- As of this writing, no official notice has appeared on Netscape's Web pages, but version 2.0b3 of Netscape Navigator appeared on Netscape's FTP sites in the middle of last week. This new beta expires 04-Feb-96 and is mostly a set of bug fixes and relatively minor changes, although Navigator's mail handling is improved and it (finally) loads text before displaying background images. The archive is about 2800K; if you plan to download this release, check out the release notes beforehand to see if you need it. relnotes/mac-2.0b3.html

Of possible interest to developers, Netscape has also posted a brief SDK for creating Netscape Navigator plug-ins, including design specs, sample code and include files, plus three simple example plug-ins. [GD] NetscapeSDK_sit.hqx