This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-06-07 at 9:50 p.m.
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ExtraBITS for 08-Jun-09

by TidBITS Staff

Tonya Discusses Reading Ebooks on the iPhone and Kindle [1] -- Take Control editor in chief Tonya Engst chats with MacNotables host Chuck Joiner about file formats and hardware devices for ebooks, with a focus on the iPhone, iPod touch, and the Kindle. If you're curious about where we think the world of ebooks is going, or wondering about what's happening in the minds of ebook publishers, give this podcast a listen! (Posted 2009-06-04)

Coverage Extended for MacBook Pros with Nvidia Processors [2] -- Apple has announced that it will extend service coverage on MacBook Pros housing Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT graphics processors from two to three years from the original date of purchase. The faulty processors, suspected to be found in MacBook Pros manufactured between May 2007 and September 2008, can be responsible for scrambled, distorted, or absent video output. (Posted 2009-06-03)

YouTube XL Sets Its Sights on Your Living Room [3] -- Keeping up with Hulu, whose recently released Hulu Desktop makes it easier to bring streaming content to your TV, YouTube has launched YouTube XL. The new Web-based interface works on any device that can support a browser - including the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii - and offers all of its regular and premium content in a streamlined design tailored for larger displays. (Posted 2009-06-03)

The Truth about Apple, Mac Security, and Responsibility [4] -- Over at Macworld, TidBITS editor Rich Mogull uses the unpatched Java vulnerability and a recent ComputerWorld troll bait article as an excuse to talk about who is really responsible for Mac security. (Posted 2009-06-02)

Pricey Punctuation [5] -- A picture may be valued at a thousand words, but a single misplaced comma turned out to be worth $2.13 million in a recent contract dispute in Canada. The Globe and Mail has the details. (Posted 2009-06-02)

Backblaze Promotes Backup Awareness Month with Giveaways [6] -- In 2006, Seagate (which had just acquired Maxtor) declared that June was to be known as "Backup Awareness Month." To mark the occasion this year and encourage more people to back up, online backup provider Backblaze is giving away one free year-long subscription to their service each day in June (regularly $50 for unlimited backups), plus holding a drawing for a Nikon P90 camera. Everyone who downloads and installs their software during the month is eligible to participate in the drawings, and a 15-day free trial is available to all. (Posted 2009-06-01)
