REM - SaveILBM REM - by Carolyn Scheppner CBM 04/86 REM - This program saves a demo custom REM - screen as an IFF ILBM file. REM - (Graphicraft,Deluxe Paint, etc.) REM - No icon is created for the file. REM - If you need one, copy the .info REM - file of a Graphicraft pic and REM - call it REM - Color cycling variables are REM - saved as a Graphicraft CCRT REM - chunk. The program could be REM - modified to save color cycling REM - information as DPaint CRNG REM - chunks. REM - Requires exec, graphics and dos REM - .bmaps (Use NewConvertFD) REM Main: PRINT "SaveILBM --- Saves a screen as an IFF ILBM file" PRINT PRINT " This program creates a demo screen and saves it as an" PRINT "IFF ILBM pic file which can be loaded in Graphicraft," PRINT "DPaint, or Images. (For Images, add '.pic' to filename)" PRINT PRINT " Color cycling data is saved as a Graphicraft CCRT chunk." PRINT "No icon is created for the save file. If you need one," PRINT "copy the .info file of one of your paint package's pics" PRINT "and rename it to match the name of your saved pic file." PRINT:PRINT PRINT:PRINT "ENTER FILESPEC:" PRINT "( Try Screen.ILBM )" PRINT "( Enter for NO save file )" PRINT INPUT "FileSpec for ILBM save file";ILBMname$ PRINT DIM bPlane&(5), cTabSave%(32) REM - Functions from dos.library DECLARE FUNCTION xOpen& LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION xRead& LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION xWrite& LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION IoErr& LIBRARY REM - xClose returns no value REM - Functions from exec.library DECLARE FUNCTION AllocMem&() LIBRARY REM - FreeMem returns no value PRINT:PRINT "Looking for bmaps ... "; LIBRARY "dos.library" LIBRARY "exec.library" LIBRARY "graphics.library" PRINT "found them." REM Custom Screen, some graphics w = 320: h = 200: d = 5 AvailRam& = FRE(-1) NeededRam& = ((w/8)*h*(d+1))+5000 IF AvailRam& < NeededRam& THEN PRINT "Not enough free ram" GOTO Mcleanup2 END IF SCREEN 2,w,h,d,1 t$=" SaveILBM" WINDOW 2,t$,,15,2 PALETTE 0,1,1,1 PALETTE 1,0.2,0.4,0.8 REM - Get Screen structure addresses GOSUB GetScrAddrs REM - Init color cycling variables REM - (Init to 0 for no cycling) REM - These variables must be initialized REM - because this version of SaveILBM REM - always saves a Graphicraft CCRT chunk ccrtDir% = 1 ccrtStart% = 1 ccrtEnd% = nColors% - 1 ccrtSecs& = 0 ccrtMics& = 2000 REM - Draw some lines to cycle cReg = ccrtStart% x = 20 FOR y = 0 TO 80 LINE (x,y)-(w-x-10,180-y),cReg,b x = x + 1 cReg = cReg + 1: IF cReg > ccrtEnd% THEN cReg = ccrtStart% NEXT REM - Demo color cycling REM - Save colors FOR kk = 0 TO nColors% -1 cTabSave%(kk) = PEEKW(colorTab&+(kk*2)) NEXT REM - Cycle colors deSecs& = ccrtSecs& * 3000 deMics& = ccrtMics& / 500 cStart& = colorTab& + (2*ccrtStart%) cEnd& = colorTab& + (2*ccrtEnd%) repeat = 80 IF ccrtDir% = 1 THEN GOSUB Fcycle :ELSE GOSUB Bcycle REM - Restore colors CALL LoadRGB4&(sViewPort&,VARPTR(cTabSave%(0)),nColors%) REM - Save screen as ILBM file IF (ILBMname$<>"") THEN saveError$ = "" GOSUB SaveILBM END IF Mcleanup: FOR de = 1 TO 5000:NEXT WINDOW CLOSE 2 SCREEN CLOSE 2 Mcleanup2: LIBRARY CLOSE IF saveError$ <> "" THEN PRINT saveError$ END Fcycle: FOR kk = 0 TO repeat cTemp% = PEEKW(cStart&) FOR jj& = cStart& + 2 TO cEnd& STEP 2 POKEW(jj&-2), PEEKW(jj&) NEXT POKEW cEnd&, cTemp% CALL LoadRGB4&(sViewPort&,colorTab&,nColors%) FOR d1& = 0 TO deSecs& FOR d2& = 0 TO deMics&:NEXT NEXT NEXT RETURN Bcycle: FOR kk = 0 TO repeat cTemp% = PEEKW(cEnd&) FOR jj& = cEnd& - 2 TO cStart& STEP -2 POKEW(jj&+2), PEEKW(jj&) NEXT POKEW(cStart&) = cTemp% CALL LoadRGB4&(sViewPort&,colorTab&,nColors%) FOR d1& = 0 TO deSecs& FOR d2& = 0 TO deMics&:NEXT NEXT NEXT RETURN SaveILBM: REM - Saves current window's screen REM - as an IFF ILBM file with a REM - Graphicraft CCRT cycling chunk. REM - Requires the following variables REM - to have been initialized: REM - ILBMname$ (ILBM filespec) REM - Also, cycling variables REM - ccrtDir% (1,-1, or 0 = none) REM - ccrtStart% (low cycle reg) REM - ccrtEnd% (high cycle reg) REM - ccrtSecs& (cycle time in seconds) REM - ccrtMics& (cycle time in microseconds) REM REM - init variables f$ = ILBMname$ fHandle& = 0 mybuf& = 0 filename$ = f$ + CHR$(0) fHandle& = xOpen&(SADD(filename$),1006) IF fHandle& = 0 THEN saveError$ = "Can't open output file" GOTO Scleanup END IF REM - Alloc ram for work buffers ClearPublic& = 65537 mybufsize& = 120 mybuf& = AllocMem&(mybufsize&,ClearPublic&) IF mybuf& = 0 THEN saveError$ = "Can't alloc buffer" GOTO Scleanup END IF cbuf& = mybuf& REM - Get addresses of screen structures GOSUB GetScrAddrs zero& = 0 pad% = 0 aspect% = &Ha0b REM - Compute chunk sizes BMHDsize& = 20 CMAPsize& = (2^scrDepth%) * 3 CAMGsize& = 4 CCRTsize& = 14 BODYsize& = (scrWidth%/8) * scrHeight% * scrDepth% REM - FORMsize& = Chunk sizes + 8 bytes per Chunk header + "ILBM" FORMsize& = BMHDsize&+CMAPsize&+CAMGsize&+CCRTsize&+BODYsize&+44 REM - Write FORM header tt$ = "FORM" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(FORMsize&),4) tt$ = "ILBM" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) IF wLen& <= 0 THEN saveError$ = "Error writing FORM header" GOTO Scleanup END IF REM - Write out BMHD chunk tt$ = "BMHD" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(BMHDsize&),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(scrWidth%),2) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(scrHeight%),2) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(zero&),4) temp% = (256 * scrDepth%) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(temp%),2) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(zero&),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(aspect%),2) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(scrWidth%),2) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(scrHeight%),2) IF wLen& <= 0 THEN saveError$ = "Error writing BMHD" GOTO Scleanup END IF REM - Write CMAP chunk tt$ = "CMAP" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(CMAPsize&),4) REM - Build IFF ColorMap FOR kk = 0 TO nColors% - 1 regTemp% = PEEKW(colorTab& + (2*kk)) POKE(cbuf&+(kk*3)),(regTemp% AND &Hf00) / 16 POKE(cbuf&+(kk*3)+1),(regTemp% AND &Hf0) POKE(cbuf&+(kk*3)+2),(regTemp% AND &Hf) * 16 NEXT wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,cbuf&,CMAPsize&) IF wLen& <= 0 THEN saveError$ = "Error writing CMAP" GOTO Scleanup END IF REM - Write CAMG chunk tt$ = "CAMG" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(CAMGsize&),4) vpModes& = PEEKW(sViewPort& + 32) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(vpModes&),4) IF wLen& <= 0 THEN saveError$ = "Error writing CAMG" GOTO Scleanup END IF REM - Write CCRT chunk tt$ = "CCRT" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(CCRTsize&),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(ccrtDir%),2) temp% = (256*ccrtStart%) + ccrtEnd% wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(temp%),2) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(ccrtSecs&),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(ccrtMics&),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(pad%),2) IF wLen& <= 0 THEN saveError$ = "Error writing CCRT" GOTO Scleanup END IF REM - Write BODY chunk tt$ = "BODY" wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,SADD(tt$),4) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,VARPTR(BODYsize&),4) scrRowBytes% = scrWidth% / 8 FOR rr = 0 TO scrHeight% -1 FOR pp = 0 TO scrDepth% -1 scrRow& = bPlane&(pp)+(rr*scrRowBytes%) wLen& = xWrite&(fHandle&,scrRow&,scrRowBytes%) IF wLen& <= 0 THEN saveError$ = "Error writing BODY" GOTO Scleanup END IF NEXT NEXT saveError$ = "" Scleanup: IF fHandle& <> 0 THEN CALL xClose&(fHandle&) IF mybuf& <> 0 THEN CALL FreeMem&(mybuf&,mybufsize&) RETURN GetScrAddrs: REM - Get addresses of screen structures sWindow& = WINDOW(7) sScreen& = PEEKL(sWindow& + 46) sViewPort& = sScreen& + 44 sRastPort& = sScreen& + 84 sColorMap& = PEEKL(sViewPort& + 4) colorTab& = PEEKL(sColorMap& + 4) sBitMap& = PEEKL(sRastPort& + 4) REM - Get screen parameters scrWidth% = PEEKW(sScreen& + 12) scrHeight% = PEEKW(sScreen& + 14) scrDepth% = PEEK(sBitMap& + 5) nColors% = 2^scrDepth% REM - Get addresses of Bit Planes FOR kk = 0 TO scrDepth% - 1 bPlane&(kk) = PEEKL(sBitMap&+8+(kk*4)) NEXT RETURN