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SunEdit 2K Read Me File

For SunEdit 2K v1.0 (Build 45 - Beta 6)  (1st April 2000)

System Requirements
Known inconsistencies
SunEdit FAQ
Shareware License
Contacting Childs Play Software
Submitting Files
Version History

System Requirements:

IBM PC and Compatibles
Pentium 166 or better recommended
SVGA compatible display or better (800,600 recommended), in 16Bit Colour Or Higher
16MB RAM minimum, 32MB recommended (esp. NT4/2000)
Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4
8MB of Hard Drive space.

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2.0 Known Inconsistencies

  • In 256 colour mode, the toolbar buttons cause colourshifts.

If you do find a bug, please e-mail a bug report to me at support@childs-play-software.com.

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3.0 SunEdit FAQ

  Q:  When I Apply The Changes, Nothing Changes in the Game - What's Up?
  A:  If you are loading a saved game, you will need to restart the game for the changes to take effect.  

  Q: When I start a game it freezes / when I play a game it freezes.
  A: It's probably a bug in Tiberian Sun. If you mail a file from your tiberian sun folder that is called "Rules.INI" (please Zip it if possible) along with a description of what happened, I shall try and find out if it is SunEdit's fault.

  Q: How Do I Register SunEdit 2K 
  A: you can pre-order SunEdit 2K and receive RedEdit 98 Professional FREE!!* - See our order page for more information.

* This is a limited offer and may have expired by the time you read this. please see our web site for more details

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4.0 Shareware License.
    To See the license, please
click here.

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5.0    Contacting Childs Play Software
    There are a lots of ways to contact CPS, to get the latest versions of the help
    system and programs, and general up-to-date help, visit the www sites:
    Main : "
http:///www.childs-play-software.co.uk"     (Primary UK Site)
    or : "
http://www.childs-play-software.com"     (Primary USA Site)

    For tech support, or any-other subject, e-mail address is

    I will try and reply within 72 hours (except when I'm on holiday, of course)

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6.0    Submitting files
    So hotshot, you think you've made the ultimate rules.INI file? Why not submit it
to CPS so we can put it up on the www site and let the world decide! To submit a file
e-mail to submissions@childs-play-software.co.uk, we will have a look through them
and  put them up for you. (If we think they are good enough!)

When e-mailing your settings, (in either Rules.INI or SunEdit 2K (*.s2k) format), please give your name and if you want to, your e-mail address. If you have a www page, give your URL as well, and we will provide a free link to your site for you.

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7.0    Version History
    For the  version history, please click the link below.

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Read Me | License Agreement | Version History | Web Site

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