See Jerboa help file: Jerboa install dir\www\help\index.html To start the file you can do one of the following: Open folder www\help with windows explorer and double click on file index.html Start your html browser and write the path and file in location bar or use "open" or "open page" in "file" menu. From Start menu choos run and write the path and file name or press browse and find the file. Then click OK. In MS-DOS prompt go the folder and write "start index.html" You can also use the online version in . The file requires a html browser, preferrably HTML 4.0 capable (for example Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer or Netscape Navigator 4.5 or newer). You should be able to view the file with older or other browser but it may not show in the form it is supposed to. Newest version of Jerboa and other information about Jerboa can be found at Jerboa homepage at .