Companion Reader was designed to give you the ability to predict the outcome of a wide selection of daily personal and business events involving you and any other individual, or just any two individuals via Numerological and Astrological calculations as well as the Egyptian Book of Dead and Cabala. Have you ever wondered if you should ask someone out on a date or even talk to your boss about a raise? Well, now you can do it all, plus over 50 more options covering all aspects of your personal life as well as your professional career. Numerology has been used for centuries to compare individuals’ profiles. Now, the power of that knowledge is finally at your fingertips. Discover the future or check your past - the choice is yours! Companion Reader should be used by anyone and everyone who has an open mind and who is curious about the ancient art of comparing individuals’ profiles. READING - numerological and astrological profile reading REPORT - reports in txt and html formats FORTUNE - fortune prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala REGRETS - regrets prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala LOYALTY - loyalty prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala TRUST - trust prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala BUSINESS - business prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala FRIENDSHIP - friendship prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala LOVE - love prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala FATE - fate prediction via the Book of Dead and Cabala HELP - help information EXIT - will end the program and save all your data Please note that for FORTUNE, REGRETS, LOYALTY, TRUST, BUSINESS, FRIENDSHIP, LOVE and FATE predictions you don’t need to select an event or change the current date. Please note that any day can be selected. You can check your past, present or future! Companion Reader 4.0 is FREE to registered users of Numerology Star Reader 14.0!