; ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI ; ; Scenario Template ; ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc. ; ; This file can be copied into the same directory as a scenario ; file and customized for that scenario. ; ; Many game text files (e.g. ALPHA.TXT, SCRIPT.TXT, etc), as well ; as art files (UNITS.PCX, etc) can be copied into the scenario ; directory and modified; files in the scenario directory automatically ; override files in the main game directory. ; ; Note that all of the strings and numbers in #INTRO and #OBJECTIVES ; can be used in either. #INTRO is shown at the beginning of the ; scenario; #OBJECTIVES is shown when "review objectives" is picked ; from the menu. ; #INTRO #xs 320 #caption SCENARIO ^^ ^^Commencing Scenario ^^ ^^$TITLE1 $NAME2 of the $FACTION3 ^^ ^^$DATE4 ^^ ##optional for both #INTRO and #OBJECTIVES ## $TITLE1 $NAME2 of the $FACTION3 => Player's faction ## $DATE4 = current date, includes "M.Y." ## $NUM0 = objectives needed for victory ## $NUM1 = objectives needed for instant victory ## $NUM2 = objectives in player's possession at beginning ## $NUM3 = ending year of scenario #OBJECTIVES #xs 440 #caption SCENARIO ^^ ^^Scenario Objectives ^^ ^^Objectives needed for victory: $NUM0 ^^ ^^Objectives needed for sudden death victory: $NUM1 ^^ ^^Objectives achieved so far: $NUM2 ^^ #SCENTIMELIMIT #xs 440 #caption End of Scenario ^^ ^^M.Y. $YEAR0 ^^ ^^END OF SCENARIO ^^ #SCENTIMEWIN #xs 440 #caption Victory ^^ ^^CONGRATULATIONS! ^^ ^^$TITLE0 $NAME1 of the $FACTION2 ^^ ^^YOU HAVE WON THE SCENARIO! ^^ #SCENTIMELOSS #xs 440 #caption End of Scenario! ^^ ^^$TITLE0 $NAME1 of the $FACTION2 ^^ ^^FULFILLS THE VICTORY CONDITIONS ^^ ^^AND WINS THE SCENARIO! ^^ #SUDDENDEATH #xs 440 #caption End of Scenario! ^^ ^^$TITLE0 $NAME1 of the $FACTION2 ^^ ^^FULFILLS THE VICTORY CONDITIONS ^^ ^^AND WINS THE SCENARIO! ^^ #SUDDENDEATH0 #xs 440 #caption Victory ^^ ^^CONGRATULATIONS! ^^ ^^$TITLE0 $NAME1 of the $FACTION2 ^^ ^^YOU HAVE WON THE SCENARIO! ^^ #SCENARIOWARNING #xs 440 #caption End of Scenario Warning ^^ ^^END OF SCENARIO APPROACHING ^^ ^^GAME WILL END IN M.Y. $NUM0 ^^ #; This line must remain at end of file