Changes/Fixes in the v1.02 of Fighting Steel are as follows: Crash/Lockup in the 3D Ship Viewer is now fixed. Fixed problem of Windows toolbar causing game to exit during game play. Gunnery damage to TR type ships is approximately twice as effective as before. Significantly improved the gunnery chance-to-hit if target is less than 2,000 yards away. Added "Close" button to all Target Selection pop-ups that did not have one already. Fixed problem of some campaigns ending immediately after starting them. When a ship sinks in 3D view, its searchlights and recognition lights will now turn off. The Auto Camera Event for the 'Enemy Illuminated' option now works. Fixed problem of some text messages not appearing on the screen for auto camera events. Future Plots for enemy ships in the 2D view are now red instead of blue. The graphic on Secondary ID Tags for BC type ships has been improved. In the All Ships Screen, division numbers for friendly ships are now blue instead of red. Auto Camera Events no longer cause vibrating Primary ID Tags. In Division Commander mode, firing lines now appear for all friendly ships (not just your division) if you have firing lines selected for all ships. Fixed Fire Button problem that occurred when launching torpedoes one mount at a time at the same target. Fixed problem of 'Enemy Ship Hit by Shell' auto camera event option still playing even when user has turned it off. In the Torpedo Panel, only targets with a valid interception point appear in the Target Selection pop-up. Problem of running out of light cruisers in campaign games has been lessened. The chance of a rudder hit has been cut in half, but the repair time for rudders has been increased. Probability of torpedoes hitting has been improved, particularly for broadside hits. Fixed inaccuracies with start dates for Campaign games. Torpedoes are now armed 60 seconds after launch (not at 1,000 yards per manual). In Division Commander mode, AI now takes control of ships that detach due to Missed Maneuver or Jammed Rudder. In the End Game All-Ships Screen, the ID Tags for each ship now show the victory points earned for damage to that ship (blue for friendly victory points, red for enemy victory points).