------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seed - State of current development - test release - 08/01/1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is in this EXE and why did we release it? ------------------------------------------------ Our aim was to show the gaming public what the SEED engine could do as well as to introduce everybody to the game. We hope that we have managed to create a fun and excited test demo and managed to give everybody a feel for what the game is going to be like and how SEED is different from the current shooters on the market. More game info: http://www.seedgame.com The demo contains two levels. The smaller one is a practice level, with fewer platform game elements. This is set in a simple room with two enemies thus you can practice the controls and enhance your fighting skills. The second level is more complex and contains far more platform game type elements. Here, there are opportunities to practice your skill as you jump around on various platforms. To be successful, this might take some practice. This test demo has two enemies; the full game has nearly 20! We are eager to hear from You! Whether it is a suggestion or a criticism please feel free to contact us. We have thus far only tested it on a limited number of 3D cards, so letting us know about problems relating to a particular configuration, will aid us in our work as this means that the final game will be more robust. >>> Game related feedback: info@SEEDGme.com >>> More info: http://www.SEEDGame.com Recommended Configuration --------------------- SEED supports Glide, OpenGL as well as having its own formidable software engine. Recommended setup: - 64MB RAM - PII 300 or above - Hardware 3D accelerator Tested on the Following Configuration ------------------------------------------- The Glide version is faster than the OpenGL version, assuming the same operating system. We recommend that you always download the latest OpenGL driver for your hardware. SEED was tested on and should work without any glitches on: Voodoo 1 - Win98 - Glide Voodoo 2 - Win95 - Glide NT4 - Glide, OpenGL Voodoo 3 - Win98 - Glide, OpenGL NT4 - Glide, OpenGL TNT - Win98 - OpenGL - NT4 - OpenGL MGAG200 - Win98 - OpenGL - NT4 - OpenGL MGAG400 - Win98 - (minor problems are visible) Cards that will probably have problems: FireGL Savage4 3D Known Bug Issues --------------------- The EXE is also the current state of development. We are aware of some bugs, but please forward all problems. 1. If an incorrect hardware setup is used and SEED does not start, then copy the two .SEED files from the /game/safety folder to the folder above (game folder). By doing this the default configuration is restored. 2) - There may be problems with playing some of the sound effects. Restarting the game usually helps. 3) - Currently the software engine mode does not support transparency, only the Glide and OpenGL modes support it. 4) - We will optimize the levels, so they will be faster in the final version. 5) - Currently, under OpenGL the game only runs in a window. 6) - The video mode settings under Graphics setting in the Option menu relate to the hardware (3D accelerated Glide or OpenGL engine) and not to the software engine. To set the video mode for the software engine press F1. 7) - There is a problem with OpenGL as on some cards, it draws a thin line