TITLE Torpedo Doctrine ; VAR1 circle flag (0=snake, 1=circle) ; VAR2 search axis (preset by launcher) ; VAR3 enabled flag RULE Init IF INIT = 1 THEN VAR_SET 3 0 ELSE RULE Home IF NEWTRACK = 1 AND CLASS != WEAP THEN DEBUG "Torpedo Acquired" SET_TIMER 2 -1 TACTIC terminal_home END RULE Preenable Steer Or Search IF VAR3 = 1 THEN RULE Snake Or Circle IF VAR1 = 0 THEN ; lower priority to make sure we don't interfere with homing PRIORITY 224 SNAKE VAR2 DEBUG "SNAKE" ELSE ; lower priority to make sure we don't interfere with homing PRIORITY 224 CIRCLE DEBUG "CIRCLE" END ELSE ; lower priority to make sure we don't interfere with homing PRIORITY 224 SETCRS VAR2 RULE Enable IF TIMER1 = 0 THEN DEBUG "Torpedo Enabled" ENABLE VAR_SET 3 1 END END RULE Shutdown IF TIMER2 = 0 THEN DEBUG "Torp failed to acquire\n" SHUTDOWN END END